I still have so many pictures of vacation, that I will never be able to post all of them. We spent an afternoon and evening with my sister and her husband at their house. They have an amazing pool and back yard. We were so grateful that they would have us over. It was a ton of fun. They really are the nicest people. Thanks for the fun time guys! Oh, also, thanks for the great fire pit/stove- we are totally enjoying it!
Zac learned how to ride a bike yesterday! We are so proud of him. He wouldn't take any help from us. He was so determined, he wouldn't give up! It probably took about an hour or so, and he had it. The look on his face was priceless!
So, as I have said before, I am still figuring out the mechanics of my camera. I took some macro shots on my vacation, and I thought that they turned out o.k.
We never really appreciate the power of the ocean. The waves at Anchor Bay are relatively small. I know that the sea turns "upside-down" (as we call it) but us land creatures don't really get a chance to see it go crazy like it did the last 2 days of our stay. It was amazing. The waves were so big, that not one of the fishermen from the campground even attempted to launch any of their boats. Seriously spectacular. It was just "jaw dropping".