Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Traci!!!

Traci's Birthday was today! I told her last night that I had to be at work by 7:30a.m., but instead, I took the day off. When I woke up, I went to Mimi's Cafe and picked her up some breakfast(without her knowing) so I could surprise her with breakfast in bed. I think it was a nice surprise for her. The rest of the day was pretty mellow- picking up her cake, shopping, running my few errands that I had. For Dinner, we went to P.F. Changs China Bistro- our favorite. I can never get enough of that place. Overall, I think she had a pretty good day. Happy Birthday Traci- I love you


Cameron's Corner said...

Happy Birthday, Tracy... since I didn't get to talk to you yesterday. Hope you had a great 30th birthday (wink wink).

Amber Carter said...

Happy Birthday, Traci!!!! You look great! I hope we see you guys this summer, that would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

My sister is so cute! Good job on the Birthday stuff you did Chris. I'm happy she ended up with such a great guy. Love you all

Amy A. said...

Happy Birthday Traci!! Looks like you had a good one.