Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lesson Learned!

So I had bought a giant container of deck screws years ago to build my deck. I really didn't have anywhere to store them, so I ended up using the container as a weight to hold down a tarp on the side of my house. Today, I went out to the side of the house, and I saw a pile of rust! I didn't understand what it was at first, but I soon recognized what was left of the plastic bin. It was in complete disarray. Lesson learned! Don't leave a plastic bin of screws out in the elements- you'll be sorry if you do!


Amber Carter said...

What kind of camara do you have? It seems like all the pictures you take turn out so good. I like the way you can blur the background.

Chris said...

Nothing too special Amber- just a little Nikon Coolpix L1(6.2 megapixel shoot-around). Its just a mixture of me using a Macro or blurring and removing stuff I dont want people to see with Photoshop CS2! Its fun!

Cameron's Corner said...

Don't throw those screws out. You can still totally use them.