Monday, March 09, 2009

Rare Photos

Its been awhile since I have posted. I honestly feel kind of burned out about posting. Either that, or I am just extremely lazy. It could be the latter. Anywho, Traci was digging through some of the photos that we have, and she came across this rare photo of my grandpa. I miss him a lot, and I am sorry to say that I don't have too many photos of him in my life. He was a great fisherman, and this photo just proves that he knew where and how to catch fish.
The second picture is of him on his way to visit Anchor Bay (Northern California). I guess he had stopped and found something to film on the side of highway 1. Not real interesting photos to anyone else, but never the less important to me!


Caroline said...

I'm sure these pictures conjure up great memories of a wonderful man. Thus the reason i love photos... each tells a story. We've missed you by the way.

Amber Carter said...

It doesn't seem like there are many pictures of him around so its kind of cool you posted a couple. I know Jason really admired him and misses him as well. It sounds like he was a good grandpa, I wished I had met him. Was Traci able to meet him before he passed away?