Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blog Update

I haven't been posting, but a lot of things have happened. Traci is pregnant! We planned this one, which will be our last. She is having a tough time with this one though. She started feeling sick around 4 or 5 weeks, and it hasn't gotten any better. I feel for her, but I cant do a whole lot, other thank keep on my kids to keep the house clean.
Vacation is in 3 weeks! We are going back to California this year again. We will be staying at Anchor Bay for 6 days. There are a few days before and after that, that we will be in Antioch visiting family, but otherwise it will be a shortened trip. I believe it is a total of 14 days in California (including traveling). It is a needed break, so we are excited!
Soccer has come and gone, and the boys were great sports about it. I think they need a few seasons to get the hang of it, but they seemed to like it, and near the end started to actually chase after the ball!
Anyway, I should have some updated pictures from our trip to Anchor Bay here shortly, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Amber Carter said...

So excited for you! You'll have to let us know how it is with 4 kids. I think you're the first of your siblings to break the #3 barrier. :) Anchor Bay with be awesome, we are so excited. Sadie wants to tour the inside of the lighthouse and we told her that we would do it next time so you guys could go with us if you want.