Amber sent us some great recipes for the fish we caught this summer. Those inspired me to make up a little recipe of my own! It really wasn't much, and it was lacking a few things that I wanted to put in it that I didnt have on hand... but we made it work!
If you've never had Ling Cod before, its something to see. The actual fillet is close to a florescent green. It wouldn't show up for pictures, but it is a bit unnerving if you didn't know it was normal! It does turn white while being cooked though...
I just tossed together some bread crumbs, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper, and a little melted butter to make the crust. I then dipped it in the egg mixture before I put it in the bread crumbs. Pretty basic. I wish would have added some parsley and garlic to it, if I had any on hand. -Maybe for next time.
We cooked it for about 20 minutes, and it turned out great! I was in a bit of a hurry to eat, I was starving! Thus, the pictures didn't turn out so great(kind of blurry). It was a first attempt at photographing food. Kind of fun! Thanks again Amber for the recipe's! The fish was great!