Sunday, November 08, 2009

Ling Cod Dinner

Amber sent us some great recipes for the fish we caught this summer. Those inspired me to make up a little recipe of my own! It really wasn't much, and it was lacking a few things that I wanted to put in it that I didnt have on hand... but we made it work!

If you've never had Ling Cod before, its something to see. The actual fillet is close to a florescent green. It wouldn't show up for pictures, but it is a bit unnerving if you didn't know it was normal! It does turn white while being cooked though...

I just tossed together some bread crumbs, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper, and a little melted butter to make the crust. I then dipped it in the egg mixture before I put it in the bread crumbs. Pretty basic. I wish would have added some parsley and garlic to it, if I had any on hand. -Maybe for next time.

We cooked it for about 20 minutes, and it turned out great! I was in a bit of a hurry to eat, I was starving! Thus, the pictures didn't turn out so great(kind of blurry). It was a first attempt at photographing food. Kind of fun! Thanks again Amber for the recipe's! The fish was great!


Gentry Tolton said...

yum! fish is my fav, and that looks so good! especially with those yummy looking sunshine tatoes! :D yum

Amber Carter said...

Yummy! I think I know what is for dinner tomorrow! :)

Hey, did you ever get the invite for that food blog? I would love to get more of your favorite recipes!

Chris said...

I dont think so- I never got it...
Or, at least I dont remember it! Haha
Can you get it resent to me? Thanks!