Sunday, September 14, 2008

Evolution of our House/ Project #2 and #3

Somehow, I got wrapped up into doing another big project. Its really all my fault. I wanted the stupid front entry way torn down, and I have been complaining about it since we bought the house. So back to painting the house, project #2. We purchased primer this week and got everything ready for painting on Saturday. Friday, I got off of work earlier than anticipated, so I came home and tore down the entry way. My neighbor (thanks Eric!) helped me replace my beams for my porch overhang and around 2:00 p.m. I started to paint. The primer is a bit lighter than our actual color, but it will work for now unitl we can save up for the actual paint. We love that it is a different color from our ugly "dirt" brown that we had, but we both feel that the porch has made a massive improvement in the appearance of our house. Traci helped out with everything on Saturday. From feeding the children and me, to scraping and painting. She was a blur. I would be painting, and ask for a window to be taped up, and she would have it done before I could even realize. She was amazing. Thanks Traci!
Here are a few photos that we dug up from before we purchased the house until now.

This is a picture of our house the week before we bought it and moved in! Notice the nice 2 tone paint job he had going on... Was he trying to set a trend?
This one was from our first or second year, before we had all of our cement ripped out and replaced... We had to paint that entry way- we hated it, but at least it was uniform in color.
Friday before demolition...

Saturday, painting and setting the beams


Caroline said...

Chris and Traci - LOVE IT! IT looks SO good, even in it's unfinished state. 100% love it. Aren't you so glad you just went to it? I can't wait to see it in person.

B. said...

Holey Moley you guys! That looks so great! You two have been working like dogs! Hot diggety dogs! You know that Traci is a Tolton girl by the way she works, nice going Chris and Traci. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Wow guys! It looks so great. You did an amazing job. I love it!!

Spackman's said...

I love it! It looks so good. It doesn't even look like the same house! I am so impressed. You guys are amazing. It doesn't even look like primer it is amazing :)

Jen Childers said...

Wow! It looks so great. Much better curb appeal! Traci does have those Home Depot skills...didn't she work there? Way to go. It really does look awesome.

Amber Carter said...

Nice work guys! When are you going to convince your brother to finish his home projects?

Jenna said...

Every time I drive by I think about how great it looks. I hope you've recovered from the whole thing by now.