We decided that our house couldn't wait another year to be painted. Its in pretty bad shape, as you can see by the photo. Our neighbor friends let us borrow their power washer on Saturday and I did the honors. It was a heck of a lot easier than scraping it by hand, and it only took me about 3 or 4 hours. Now the painting part. Arg. I really hate painting- with a passion. This time around, we hope to spray the house instead of rolling it. I'll post more updates as soon as we make some more progress.
LOL tj is the one who changed it and I am dead ha ha. He thought it would be funny after he was reading your comments so I think the wrong person is dead to you!! But I still love you even though you don't know what you are talking about :) and we have a sprayer if you need to use it. But wait I am dead to you... Hope you can find it somewhere else
Good luck with the painting! A freshly painted house looks so nice! Our house is getting painted this week (hopefully) as well.
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