Thursday, March 27, 2008


So my son has a problem. Hording. If you take the time to look in the small cracks and corners of the house, you'll find Zac's little stashes of food. You would think, that our personal food storage is sufficient, but Zac has better ideas. These are a few items I came across tonight, and they only show a few of the many things that he has stashed around the house. There must be a good way of breaking this boy of mine of this habit, right? Does anyone have any good ideas? Traci wanted me to point out, that the chocolate from this picture is a Santa chocolate... Thus, you see how well he stashes his food.


Jenna said...

Oh Buddy. That's kind of sweet, in a frustrating way.

Amber Carter said...

thats chocolate? hmm.. I think its something he will have to grow out of. Unless you tell him he can only eat at the table so he isn't wandering around with the snack. Thats what I try to do anyway, since my kids are so messy they would wipe their face on the couch and get little finger prints everywhere!