Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Tagged! by: Traci

Ok, since we were tagged again I thought I would answer the questions.
About me
10 years ago:
I was working at Eagle Hardware and Garden, preparing to go on a mission, and just starting to date Chris. I couldn't believe such a cool guy liked me.:)

5 things on my to do list:

Clean,as always.
Have friends over for dinner.
Go to the store.
Give Jacob a bath.
Make out with Chris. Who by the way looks great in his new uniform!

5 snacks I enjoy:

Diet Coke (does that count?)
Ice cream
Homemade ranch on anything.
Did I already say chocolate?

5 foods that I love (I'm going to say restaurant's that I love.)
PF Changs
Loco Lizzard
Bombay House

What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire?
Buy my neighbors house, that is for sell. Knock it down, as well as ours, and build our dream home. I don't want to leave our neighborhood! Also travel, travel, travel. And don't worry I would share in the wealth!

5 places I have lived:

American Fork UT
Orem, UT
Cedar City, UT

Favorite Quote:

"Inner peace through lowered expectations."

Ok I tag Jenna and Caroline. Have fun!!!


Knot DemiGod said...

oh dear ... thats all I'm gonna say ;)

Cameron's Corner said...

You are the cutest girl ever. I love you Traci.


Jen Childers said...

Fun to read about you! You are such an amazing person. Have a great weekend!
We are headed your way next week for Spring Break...I think we're planning on being down in the Orem/Provo area Wednesday and Thursday. We'd love to see you....I'll email you!

Amber Carter said...

Ha, ha! You're too funny Traci! Make out with Chris is on your "to do list"! That kills me.
Also, how come I haven't been to any of the restaurants on your favorite 5 list!!! I feel like I am missing out!

Caroline said...

Hilarious. Do you think that I could can find five things about myself that I even know. Remember I couldn't even come up with a good lie the other night. Oh well, here it goes!