The first picture has been my favorite one, as of today. I think I am going to use this one for our canvas picture that we want in our living room. I think it will turn out nice on a big 3x5 foot canvas(give or take a little!) The second one is a collection of 3 or 4 photos that I stitched together from the Point Arena Light House. Let me know what you think!
Looking through my photos, I noticed that I didn't get any great pictures of my sisters children! (sad, hu?) So I am a little bummed about that. I must say though that my favorite picture out of these is Sadie. She is really photogenic, and it doesn't surprise me that her photo turned out so well. Brenden, Brian and Melissa's oldest boy, was buried and turned into a sports car. Anywho, these are the best that I have found. Some of them are not the clearest of pictures, but they work! I'm still learning the functions of my camera! Go Sony Alpha!
Here are 2 more favorites from today. It amazed me at how big the swells got on Friday. The waves were huge! I managed to take a TON of wave photos, but this one struck me when I saw the difference between Cameron and the wave. -Don't forget that this wave is a little ways off, so its even bigger than it looks!!! The second photo is of some of the shops at the top of the hill in Anchor Bay. I don't think anyone ever thinks about taking a picture of them, but I thought it was a bit "different" to paint them such bright colors...
This years theme was a 60's Hippie Party. It turned out to be really fun. My dad called me around 2 weeks before we came out, and suggested I be a San Francisco Tactical Swat Officer. I guess he had a few "run ins" (hahaha) with them in the 60's and they were a pretty big part of San Francisco. I didn't really think that it was that great of an idea, and frankly thought that it would go off like a dud. To my surprise, I was the big "hit" (no pun intended) at the party! I had more than a handful of people come up to me and tell me they clearly remembered encountering the S.F. Tac squad and didn't have the fondest memories of it... They had a good time poking the stick at me. I even got a few chants of "HELL NO WE WON'T GO!" lol They really liked that I used a garbage can lid as a shield, and that I purposely misspelled Squad as "Squid". Overall, it was another great party. Thanks to all the LLC Members who put all the work into the decorations and catering the food- great as always!
I have already posted a few photos of our fish we caught. I ended up catching a Ling Cod on the second day we were out fishing! The weather was pretty poor, very very windy. We still managed to make the best of it and caught one limit (10 fish) and my Ling. It was 8 pounds, 29inches. I was pretty excited that I caught one. In fact, we seemed to do better than a lot of the other people that went out fishing during the week! We were unable to fish on Friday or Saturday, the waves were crashing in the cove and were too big to try and take a boat out past them. Maybe next year! Zac was fascinated by the fish and I think he will be out there with me next year. He was begging to go with us. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, even if we did have a minor mishap.."ahem..."
Jason took us out on his boat while we were in California. It was a ton of fun. Unfortunately, there were not any great photos worth posting of me, except the one on top. Me crashing horribly. Pretty funny! I couldn't help but post Brian's photos of his crash, it was just too cool to not show! Anywho, Cameron was a brave little boy, and tried wake boarding- what a good kid! He actually got up, but fell quickly and didn't want to try it again. Way to go Cameron! I am proud of you! The rest of the photos are of Jason. He has some really cool grabs and of coarse, he is amazing on his surfboard behind the boat. He sure makes things look easy! ...By the way, THEY ARE NOT! :)
I have so many photos that I cant pick which ones I want to post! So here is a favorite of mine that I managed to snap. I need to thank Marvell, for the lense that he let me borrow to get some of these wonderful photos- Thank you. I took this of Cameron while he was jumping over the incoming wave, and it ended up looking like he was mimicking the seagulls! Kind of a neat shot. As always, it was color corrected in Lightroom, my new best friend. We had so much fun, that I don't know if I will ever get all of my favorite photos up!
I went a bit crazy with taking pictures this year, and ended up with about 700 to 800 photos. I know, its a bit on the overkill side, but I was so interested in capturing the "moment" that I just never stopped. There is such a magic and draw about Anchor Bay for me, that I just cant get enough. The Ocean is a whole other topic- it too just pulls me in, I can't seem to get enough of that either. Anywho, here are two pictures that I am proud of. Fishing was a blast this year, even if the wind kept us from going out where we wanted. I will post the picture of my Ling Cod as soon as I get it downloaded and processed. Hope everyone is doing well!
I have always been amazed at the beautiful pictures I see that people take of fireworks. I figured that since I now own a DSLR, I might as well give it a try! So this is my first attempt, taking the photo from the Stadium of Fire in Provo. It turned out O.K. I obviously need some improvement, but its a great first start!
I just upgraded to Lightroom 2.4. It was a much needed improvement! It has made post editing a breeze, and I have now seen the light and converted whole heartedly to RAW and Lightroom. I now can edit colors, fix problems, export to Photoshop, correct vignetting, convert to JPEG, and more at a touch of a button! Everything is so simple now, its seriously ridiculous. I should advertise for Adobe. Why am I not paid for this???
This was the earliest we have ever made it to the Balloon raising in Provo. 6:30! Our usual time we make it there is around 8'ish (no thanks to me). We had fun watching them and seeing them up close! On a sadder note, my father has become sick, so our vacation might get postponed. I hope he is able to get better soon. He is in our thoughts and prayers.